Fragments of Movement Arrested in Light

Exploring the boundaries between physical presence and visual poetry

Selected Works

A curated selection of images, dialogues between body and space

Model Testimonials

How is it like to be in front of my cameras?

Working with Charles creates a space where vulnerability transforms into aesthetic strength. The images reveal aspects of myself I didn't know existed.

Aline F.

man standing near balcony
man standing near balcony

Charles doesn't photograph you—he photographs the conversation between your physical presence and the surrounding emptiness. The resulting images reveal aspects of movement I couldn't articulate but immediately recognized.

woman wearing black crew-neck shirt
woman wearing black crew-neck shirt



My Visions, My Work

I navigate the borderlands where physical presence becomes visual poetry. My approach to photography emerges not through documenting reality, but through a conversation with it. Each session is an exchange between bodies, light, and that void that shapes us all.

Between Gesture and Form

Why Be Still?

As a Brazilian photographer, I bring a perspective shaped by cultural contradictions: rigid formalism against explosive expression, structured composition against corporeal abandonment. These tensions manifest in images that exist in perpetual oscillation between control and release.


Humans exist as movement. We breath, look, talk, move. Change. I shoot stills because moving images need stories. To me, they are silent. Rather, they speak about light, space, isolation, presence, being - but motion is an intent in than, not a passage of film-time.